Top-quality tutors for
every subject and grade, from kindergarten to grade 12.

If you aren’t satisfied with your tutoring you’ll receive a refund for any unused tutoring hours for up to 60 days following your date of purchase.

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In-home and online
tutoring for all ages,
and subjects in

Our tutors in provide tutoring services to students of all ages, levels and subjects. We offer online
and in-home tutoring, at a convenient time for you, to help students fill gaps in their
knowledge base.

  • Math for all agesMath for all agesIncluding Functions
    and Applications,

    Calculus, and Data
  • SciencesSciencesBiology, Chemistry
    and Physics
  • EnglishEnglishReading, writing,
    and more
  • ESL/LanguagesESL/LanguagesFor all ages and levels
  • Exam preparationExam preparationACT/SAT®, SSAT, GED,
    IB and AP Prep
  • Social StudiesSocial StudiesHistory, geography,
    essay writing,

    and more
  • Special NeedsSpecial NeedsLearning is a personal
    journey. No matter

    your child’s unique
    needs, our tutors are

    prepared to help.
  • Other SubjectsOther SubjectsDon’t see a subject listed here?
    cover it. Book your
    free, no
    consultation today to
    us begin creating
    your personalized

    tutoring program.

201,550+ students successfully tutored since 2000

Book My Free Consultation Now

Individualized attention that goes beyond just tutoring

Through the exclusive Tutor Doctor Process, we get to know each student to determine the right learning strategy and the perfect tutor.
We take the time to understand how each student learns best and adapt our tutoring techniques to fit their needs. This helps students feel more comfortable, so they can learn at their own pace and on their terms.

  • Assess


    We take a
    collaborative approach
    learning to create
    a comprehensive
    program that is
    tailored to each student.
  • Match


    Our advanced
    matching system finds

    a suitable tutor, taking
    into account

    experience, and

    teaching style.
  • Tutor


    Our personalized
    tutoring means the

    curriculum revolves
    around the student.

    We help with
    homework and fill in

    knowledge gaps
    to create confident,

    happy students.
  • Support


    We support your family
    every step of
    the way
    by checking in and
    providing regular

    session reports.

Our programs follow province curriculum. This ensures your student’s performance during our lessons carry over to success in the classroom.

We also offer preparatory courses for specialized exams, including IB and AP exams, as well as the SSAT, SAT, MCAT and LSAT. 

Tutor Doctor® region is a registered service provider with:

  • Ministry of Children and Family Development
  • Autism Community Training
  • Work Safe BC
  • University of Calgary
  • Calgary Policy Service
  • International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers
  • Alberta Human Services

We make learning personal,
whether it’s in person or online

Kaylee’s grade have done up at least by a full letter grade within the first 2 months that she started with Tutor Doctor.

Tutor Doctor helped me achieve my dream!

Online sessions are recorded and fully searchable

  • Recording + Transcription

    Simple Sessions Talk, sketch and share resources in
    real-time, across devices. Our cutting-edge
    technology ensures there’s no delay between
    tutor and student, so it really feels like
    you’re in the same room.

  • Simple Sessions

    Recording + Transcription Sessions are not just recorded, they’re
    transcribed in real-time using AI. This means
    they’re available for search and playback as soon
    as the session ends.

  • Smart search

    Smart search Smart Search unlocks the true power of session
    recordings by letting students search and play
    back everything covered during tutoring, from
    spoken words to shared resources.

Schedule your free consultation today
to begin creating your personalized
tutoring program

Whether you want in-home or online tutoring, we begin the process with
an assessment that takes into account your child’s academic needs and personality. This ensures you’re matched with a tutor who gels well with your child’s personal
learning style.

Going through the assessment also helps create a smoother, faster and more effective learning experience.

Book My Free Consultation Now

Not happy with the tutor paired with your child? We’ll assign you a new tutor at no extra cost.

Copyright 2021 © Tutor Doctor® of Canada

Solid foundation

Baldwin is a tutor that appreciates good old fashion hard work in math that I definitely appreciate as a Japanese. It’s really about building and reconfirming the foundation solid while giving my son challenges. Teaching him how to keep and show his work clean and clear building good math habits.

Rino M.July 2021

Wonderful experience

We’ve had a wonderful experience with tutor doctor and a tutor named Bowen he’s been
absolutely fantastic with getting my child to
focus and catching him up on the things that
he was struggling in my child absolutely loved
him and has had a a great time and all of his
classes he looks forward to seeing Bowen
every week and we are nothing but thrilled
with the service Bowen is always on time kind
courteous and makes the lessons fun!

Laurel C.July 2021

Great experience

We’ve had a great experience with tutor doctor and a tutor named Wilson Vasquea. He’s been absolutely fantastic with getting my child to focus and catching Spanish so quickly, and with his help my child got a A this term.

Simon Z.June 2021

exremely happy

We are extremely happy with Tutor Doctor. They find the best match possible for each individual child. Our child has ADHD and they matched him with Krystal, who had been absolutely amazing, patient, and kind. She has gone above and beyond to make learning fun for our child, and we can see how much it is helping him with his work..

Angela W.May 2021


Connor was absolutely a fantastic match for my son’s tutoring needs! He was positive, encouraging and patient, reliable & very professional as well and I highly recommend him after our experience!

CaroleMay 2021

The best!

My son's grade went up over the years! Thank you tutor Doctor and Bilal for helping Paul. You're the best!

Rodolfo A.May 2021


Our experience with Tutor Doctor has been fantastic. My daughter and her tutor totally hit it off and the feedback from her Grade 1 teacher has been fantastic - a noticeable advancement in a short period of time. Highly recommended

Marnie S.June 2021

Highly recommend

I have really benefitted from tutor doctor. My tutor is Emily Dennis and she is a kind and genuine person. She is caring and always willing to answer questions. Highly recommend her!

Diane L.June 2021


Tutor doctor has really helped us out. Our sons tutor is so knowledgeable and explains math so it is understandable. They have helped in math so much we asked for the same tutor for science as well. They have been lifesaving!! Many thanks to Tutor Doctor

Stacy K.June 2021

  • Customized tutoring based on learning style and needs
  • Affordable payment plans
  • One-on-one instruction in the comfort of your home or online
  • Easily switch subject, pause or reschedule without any penalty

Book your free consultation
today to receive a personalized tutoring program.

Book My Free Consultation Now

* No obligations or commitment

Book your free consultation today
to receive a personalized tutoring
program based on your student’s
needs and
learning style


Meet your team - Tutor Doctor Calgary

Tutor Doctor Calgary understands that a key component to student success is access to tailored, one-on-one instruction.
 So our professional tutors don’t just have the right qualifications, they have a passion for helping students succeed,
regardless of their situation or learning style. 

For over 10 years, Yossi Suissa, owner of Tutor Doctor Calgary, has been providing Calgary and its surrounding
communities with customized, private tutoring (in-home and online). Whether remedial, enrichment, diploma
prep or special needs, support is delivered by highly trained subject matter experts.

As a father and long-time educator, Yossi understands the challenges faced by families committed to education.
Tutor Doctor Calgary serves as a trusted partner committed to instilling a love of learning, the joy of discovery and
the necessary skills students need for success in and outside the classroom.

Tutors available now in Calgary

  • Jennifer


    I began working with kids in my teens
    and never stopped. I went to college and
    got my diploma as a Child and Youth
    Worker. I was fortunate to have a great
    20+ year career working with children
    and youth who’s ages ranged from 3-18.

    These children had various mental
    health disorders and lived in many different environments.

  • Taylor


    I have over ten years of experience
    working with children and youth of all
    ages and abilities. In 2020 I graduated,
    with distinction, from the University of
    Toronto, where I specialized in
    international development. While at U of
    T, I completed a ten-month coop work
    placement in the Northwest Territories,
    where I worked and assisted in a JK-12
    community school. During these ten
    months, I discovered my love for learning
    and teacher and decided to pursue
    my Bachelor of Education.

  • David


    I have a Master’s degree in Civil
    Engineering and over 12 years of teaching
    experience in an academic setting. I have
    been tutoring different level groups
    including high school to university levels
    since 2017. I am very passionate about
    what I do and look forward to helping
    students in Math, Physics, and Engineering courses to the
    best of my abilities.

  • Dain


    I have been a tutor with Tutor Doctor
    since late 2019. I am currently pursuing a
    Bachelor’s degree in Communications
    and set to graduate in November of 2021.
    Social Studies, English/Language Arts
    are my areas of expertise, and both
    of these are personal favourite subjects as
    well. I pride myself in my patience,
    perseverance and passion in my own
    academic career which has extended into my tutoring style.

Read More

The Tutor Doctor Advantage






One-to-one, in-home tutoring

Varies by tutor

Academic coaching & study skills support

Varies by tutor

Accommodates your schedule

Varies by tutor

Collaborates with teachers


Lessons aligned with classroom curriculum


Free consultation

Varies by center

Varies by tutor

Complimentary academic and learning-style assessment

Personalized goal-setting strategies


Students expertly matched via proven system

Criminal background checks

Varies by tutor

Subject matter specialists

Varies by center

Reports prepared after every session

E-tutoring available


Proactive family communications

Able to share hours among family members

Customer feedback system

Dedicated and caring support

Varies by center

Resources for families, students and tutors

Money-back guarantee

Varies by center

Book My Free Consultation Now

Comprehensive tutor assistance and support

Varies by center


One-to-one, in-home tutoring

Academic coaching & study skills support

Accommodates your schedule

Collaborates with teachers


Lessons aligned with classroom curriculum


Free consultation

Complimentary academic and learning-style assessment

Personalized goal-setting strategies


Comprehensive tutor assistance and support

Students expertly matched via proven system

Criminal background checks

Subject matter specialists

Reports prepared after every session

E-tutoring available


Proactive family communications

Able to share hours among family members

Customer feedback system

Dedicated and caring support

Resources for families, students and tutors

Money-back guarantee

by tutor
by tutor
by tutor
by tutor
by tutor
by tutor
by tutor
by tutor
by tutor
by tutor
Book My Free Consultation Now

The Tutor Doctor